III gives the reader some more information about the color game. The Color game of Mr. Otero:
RULES: Squealing somebody else is regarded as good because by doing that you can collect game points to a higher grade. Further rules are announced by Mr. Otero for the next lesson because of the fact of sex discrimination in society. Some facts to Mr. Otero: He often comes late to his lessons. He is charismatic and popular with his students. What happens to those who do not follow the rules? there is a penalty for disobedience !!! The G4´s, students who played the color game before, have the task to ensure that all rules are followed. Mary is one of the G4´s and announces the G4´s power in the color game: the G4´s challenge the students all day and all night asking to see the bands and journals the G4´s keeps records on everyone putting down what they observe about civil disobedience. the G4´s notes down uppitiness to higher classes. Who belongs to which of the four groups? Every student is asked to reach into a pastic bag and pick a disc with a certain color, so the students are divided into by chance. |